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Population growth is a curse for developing countries , especially at the rate at which it is growing. Developing countries are characterized by a shortage of resources,developing infrastructure and increasing environmental degradation (due to the harvesting of resources), among other difficulties. In such a scenario, population growth simply means the division of already scarce resources, incremental environment impacts and incremental strains on infrastructure. For example, the rate of population growth in most of the developing countries far exceed the capacity building or infrastructure growth. This translate into more traffic congestion, higher air pollution, higher rates of resources excavation/production and utilization, water scarcity and a greater burden to the environment. Population expansion only means more mouth to feeds, more children to teach and more job requirements. Typically, population growth exceed the capacity development in these areas, leading to more cases of infant morality and malnutrition, higher crime rates, civic unrest and diseases.





Author: MillenialPopulationExploration

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