Nowadays, overcoming population growth is very alarming some of us don’t have enough knowledge to understand the things that need to be solve. We become polluted in terms of pollution and the population, what’s the big deal for this is every one of us doesn’t think this is a great threat for us to have a better living. Because of this population explosion the needs of people are increasing tremendously, causing to have lack of morality. Population explosion is considered as one of the indisputable alarming obstacles that stand on the path of the less developed countries. These countries produce great numbers in terms of human resources because the birth rate is much higher than in the rich countries, but the rate of employment and production in the poor countries is very low. Definitely this is a very serious problem that the government should never take for granted. The number of people were starting to increase.This made the government start to worry and decided that maybe it would be a wise idea to limit the population growth. Living in this generation is defiantly suffocating just to think that our world become homeless, a place better not to live but its better to leave. Not only new born individuals are to be fed and sheltered but they are also to be provided with jobs. New jobs are to be created for new hands. It is not easy to create jobs.

There is already unemployment coupled with under employment. Every year more than 5 million people who attain the working age join the group of job seekers. When there is rapid growth of population in the country, the government is required to provide the minimum facilities for the people for their comfortable living. Hence it has to increase educational, housing, sanitation, public health, medical, transportation, communication and other facilities. This will increase the cost of the social overheads. Government finds it difficult to find sufficient funds to meet these “unproductive expenses.” No goal is more crucial to healing the global environment than stabilizing the human population. The population explosion is the clearest single example that shows the change of human relationship with environment. The speed with which this change has occurred has itself been the major cause of ecological disruption.

Image result for population growth and its effects

Author: MillenialPopulationExploration

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